9 Stability Ball Exercises for Pregnant Women

A stability or exercise ball is a lightweight, strong plastic ball used to perform exercises with. Use of an exercise ball is well-suited for pregnant women because the ball can provide support in the back and buttocks -- where pregnant women experience pregnancy-related strain.
Exercising on a birthing ball in pregnancy can help to reduce any back pain you are experiencing and make it easier for you to move around. It can also help ease labour pain, reduce the pain of contractions (especially if you use it for a couple of months before you give birth), decrease anxiety and shorten the first stage of labour.
Keep fit throughout your pregnancy with this fitness ball workout:
- Ball Squats
- Calf Raises on Ball
- Tricep Push Outs on Ball
- Split Lunges on Ball
- Modified Ball Bridges
- Ball Chest Press
- Shoulder Press on Ball
- Seated Knee Extension
- Bicep Curls on Ball