How to Change a Nappy and Bathing Your Baby?

Once your baby has been born one of the things you will be responsible for is changing the nappy. Regularly you'll be asked frequently by the midwives in the unit and the community midwives at home is your baby having plenty of wet and dirty nappies? The reason for this is because we need to establish that your baby is flushing it business properly. 

Wet nappies make sure that the bladder is working well and dirty nappies make sure the baby is getting the food it needs and flushing through it with them in the initial 24 hours. The baby's stools will appear like black tar very sticky the next 24 hours you may find that they turn a greenish color and are less sticky and easier to clean by day 3.

If your babies are breastfed the stores will resemble a soft whole-grain mustard appearance. If they're bottle-fed the stools may be slightly firmer but still of the yellowy colour when changing your baby's nappy make sure you have everything ready by your side. Open a nappy up in advance, place the nappy under the baby's bottom making sure it's far enough up the back. Bring the nappy up between the legs making sure that everything is tucked inside. 

Bring the fasteners over from each side and attach securely. In the first couple of days make sure the cord is outside of the nappy. While in hospital you're encouraged to place the hats on your baby's head when you go home this isn't necessary. Keep your baby in a well ventilated room temperature between 19 and 21 degrees and your baby should wear possibly one more layer than you would wear as an adult.

Babies don't need to wear hats indoors at home. The reason for this is they don't have the ability to sweat like an adult it's the way they control their temperature by losing excess heat through their head. How many times you bath your baby is personal choice. Babies don't tend to get dirty they just need freshening up. The choice of when you bath your baby again is a personal one.

Some people prefer morning and some people prefer evening. It's advisable you do it before a feed. When preparing to bath your baby the first thing you need to do is to fill your bathtub. Once this is done carefully place your elbow into the water if it feels comfortable on your skin it will be comfortable for your baby. 

The next thing to do is to prepare your baby. Undress your baby and wrap him or her securely in a towel leaving the head exposed. Place the baby under your arm supporting the head and gently hold over the bathtub and lap the water over the baby's hair. Once this is done carefully dry the baby's head and unwrap the rest of the baby and place into the tub. 

Lap the water over the baby's body for a short time and take the baby out. Wrap them quickly to dry them off. The use of products in a bath for a baby again is personal choice they don't need them but it's down to you. Whether you decide to use them if at any stage you have concerns about your baby's skin, maybe it looks a little bit dry, maybe it's peeling slightly, please feel free to discuss this with your community midwife at your next visit.

When placing your baby down to sleep in their modus basket or cradle, it's important to make them feel comfortable. Babies feel comfortable when swaddled they feel tight and secure. Follow your baby up in a cellular blanket so it's breathable. Place your baby at the foot of cloth and if needed tuck another blanket up to the nipple line and tight down the sides of the baby.