First Aid: What to Do if Your Baby is Choking?

As you start weaning your baby small items of food may get lodged in their throat and they may choke. They can also choke on small toys or household items. If a baby under one year old is choking, you'll notice that they'll be unable to cry, cough or breathe.

What we're going to do now is administer some back blows. So first of all you need to lay your baby face down along your thigh, making sure you support their head and their neck.

Next we're going to administer those directly between the shoulder blades using the heel of your hand. Give up to five sharp back blows making sure after each one whatever it is hasn't come out. 

If the back blows don't work we need to move on to giving some chest thrusts. So we need to turn them over so they're lying face up, again making sure that their head and their neck are supported. 

Put two fingers in line with the arm pit in the center of the chest pushing down sharply administer up to five chests thrusts. If this doesn't work call 999 or 112 for emergency help repeat five back blows and five chest thrusts until help arrives.

If they become unresponsive you will need to start CPR. So remember if your baby is choking, check the mouth slap it out squeeze it out and that's how we treat a choking baby. 

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