Get Your Body Back After Giving Birth: 6 Best Post Pregnancy Exercises

Since you're watching this video it means you're about to have a baby or you already gave birth to your precious bundle of joy. Now that your baby is here, I'm sure you're wondering what exercises you can do to strengthen your muscles and return your pre-baby body. Here are 6 exercises you can do: 

1 - Pelvic Tilt: Improves deep abdominal strength and stamina. You can do this exercise as early as one week after vaginal birth. In case you had C-section you'll have to wait for 8 to 10 weeks.

2 - Pelvic Bridge: Strengthens the transverse, buttocks, and lower back section. Do this and the following exercises 6 weeks after birth.

3 - Heel Slides: Strengthens lower back region, transverse, and supports your core. 

4. Towel Pulse: Strengthens transverse. 

5 - Single-leg Stretch with Towel: Gives you stronger, sleeker-looking torso

6 - Yoga Boat: Strengthens the abdomen, spine, and hip flexors.

Perform 5 reps of each exercise and work your way up to 10.