How to Hold A Newborn Baby?

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Day and I am the parenting consultant at mothercare and I am going to take you through how to confidently, safely, and securely pick and hold your baby.

We have Willow, who is ten weeks old. I am going to show you how to pick up baby when baby is in the cot or in the crib. It's actually to secure your hand around, and your arm, around baby's neck and also shoulder. And secure, grip the baby's other, opposite arm and then pick up baby's leg. That's nice and secure to pick baby up and hold baby in your arms.

This position, that's lovely because baby can sort of have really good eye contact with you. It's very good for rocking as well. Take care of your back when you have a young baby and remember to bend your knees when you pick baby up. Also, sometimes, babies like to be held over your shoulder. This is quite a popular one, for many babies.

What you'll find is your baby will prefer some positions to others, and you'll find this out within the first week or so. So try different holds, hold baby securely and quite tightly. They enjoy this and they like it, it makes them feel secure.

The most important thing is to enjoy these early weeks and to practice, get lots of practice as well. With regards to putting baby down, just hold baby securely by the arm and pop baby down.

Again, spend lots of time chatting and smiling with baby - it's really important. And as baby grows and develops, you'll find what's right for you. The most important thing is to think about safety and also to hold baby quite securely and tightly.