How to Buy Vitamins for Women's Health (10 Steps)

Vitamins targeted to women's life stages enhance your health and well-being. If you are pregnant, you can also support the health of your unborn children with the right vitamins.

Warning: Consult a physician before taking vitamin supplements.

Step 1: Take vitamin A - Take up to 5,000 international units of vitamin A to boost your immunity, aid vision, strengthen bones and build soft tissue, skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is appropriate for women in all stages of life.

Tip: Women of all ages risk vitamin deficiencies if they don't get adequate amounts of essential vitamins.

Step 2: Take B vitamins - Take B vitamins at all life stages, but especially if you are pregnant or nursing, in order to help brain function and red blood cell formation, and to build DNA. Add 400 micrograms of folic acid if you are, or hope to become, pregnant.

Step 3: Get B12 injections - Get regular B12 injections if you are over 50, as age impacts women's ability to absorb B12.

Step 4: Buy vitamin D - Buy vitamin D supplements to alleviate PMS symptoms or to build strong bones if you are breastfeeding, postmenopausal, or lack the adequate sun exposure that allows your body to produce vitamin D.

Tip: Purchase vitamin D combined with calcium for optimal benefits.

Step 5: Fight aging - Fight aging by taking the antioxidant vitamins C and E, which neutralize free radicals produced by the body.

Step 6: Buy prenatal vitamins - Buy prenatal multivitamins for pregnancy. These should contain folic acid, iron, calcium and DHA. Take these under a physician's advice.

Step 7: Take calcium - Take calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and high blood pressure and to possibly reduce PMS symptoms and help in weight loss.

Step 8: Use iron - Use iron supplements to prevent fatigue and improve performance. A pregnant woman's requirements for iron are the highest, and menopausal women require the least iron to remain healthy. Many teens need extra iron to prevent anemia.

Step 9: Take magnesium and zinc - Take magnesium and zinc to boost immunity and to build and maintain strong bones.

Step 10: Add a multiple vitamin - Add a multivitamin supplement to your daily regime. These supply 100 percent of your daily requirements to ensure intake of a broad range of vitamins. Remember, vitamins purchased with women's needs in mind help create a life abundant in health, happiness, and vitality.

Did You Know?

From 2007 to 2009, Americans spent $23 billion on vitamins and supplements each year.