How do Babies Like to Interact and Sleep?

When babies are carried they are very content and are best able to interact with their surroundings. At 8-12 months babies learn that objects still exist even covered up or out of sight. At this stage they enjoy games like peek-a-boo and finding hidden objects under clothes. Playing with toys is their way of exploring cause and effect and how the world works.

The adult mind is said to restric itself to a narrow slice of reality like a "flashlight". Whereas babies take in wider spectrum of sensations like a "lantern". When babies laugh, they laugh to socialise with you. When babies feel overstimulated they often put their hands on their faces or try to look away. Research suggests that babies prefer a firmer touch to a caress.

Babies spend 50% of their sleep time dreaming which is nearly twice that of adults. Their dream world is hard to imagine as their brains have no clear concepts od people and things yet. It is thought that they do not experience nightmares as they probably do not understand the concept of fear. Asleep or awake, a baby's brain is always learning and developing.