Labor Positions: Sitting on the Birth Ball

The desire to give birth sitting down is certainly not a lazy option! When it comes to birth positions, sitting (not semi-sitting) is a good second best to squatting for the second stage of labour. Sitting also has some benefits for the first stage of labour, such as speeding labour up, and offering some relief for those experiencing back labour, both factors that will help you to have the natural birth you want.

The birth ball can be used to sit on in early labor or the pushing stage. The upward curve of the ball is a nice support during labor. The curve gives a slight counter pressure to the slightly engorged or swollen vulva during labor. It’s just more comfortable than a chair. Few women like the ball in very active labor. That’s when it’s hard to sit on anything that presses.


- Gently swaying back and forth on the birthing or exercise ball will help ease the pain of contractions.

- By sitting straight on the ball gravity will assist the fetus descend into the pelvis.

- By sitting on the birth ball rather than a chair it allows your partner to rub your back or apply a counter-pressure.

- Sitting on the ball gives the perineum and pelvic muscles extra support without a lot of pressure.

- The labour ball exerts an even pressure on the perineum and thereby stimulate dilatation and widening of the pelvic outlet.