Pregnancy Massage for Back Pain

Pregnant and suffering with back pain? Many moms-to-be get backaches during pregnancy and labor. A simple way to decrease the general discomfort due to a growing abdomen is general relaxing massage.
Watch a certified prenatal massage therapist demonstrate back massage techniques that are safe to use on pregnant women.
Pregnancy massage reminders: Check in with your partner, don't use deep pressure, and be sure she isn't leaning on or squishing her belly.
What causes back pain?
Up to 88 percent of expecting mothers complain of back pain during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester. It is caused partly by the influx of hormones which prepare our bodies for pregnancy and childbirth. These hormones, estrogen, progesterone and relaxin, affect the composition of ligaments and tendons to allow for greater elasticity -- this allows for more movement in the joints and greater space in the abdomen.
This excess mobility can cause spasms in the muscles. The ligaments supporting the lumbar or low back area and the pelvis are particularly stressed during pregnancy. The changes in our posture to accommodate a shift in our center of gravity from a growing abdomen also can cause back pain. In fact, the more weight we gain, the worse our posture becomes, thus increasing back pain.