Signs and Symptoms of Labour

Before labour start, the cervix is long firm and closed during the latent phase. The muscles of the uterus wall will contract and make the cervix shorter thinner and foster. This is often achieved with irregular contraction or tightening which may or may not be deemed painful. 

The cervix also moves forward to an anterior position and starts to dilate or open gradually. This process can last a few hours or up to a few days. Although it can be shorter the second or subsequent babies. Lower back ache or period like cramping sensations. Sometimes contractions start for a few hours and stop for a few days. Aome women may not even be aware of these contractions.

You may or may not pass the show a mucousy plug from the service. The show can vary in amount and color. It can be a yellowy clear mucus or sometimes it can be streaked with blood and appear pink or red. If the blood loss is more than a streak or you are concerned about the amount, you should contact your midwife or hospital for advice immediately. 

Some women experience their waters breaking. This is also called a spontaneous rupture of membranes. This is a leakage of the amniotic fluid which surround your baby or the protective factors birth you should call the hospital for advice fwhen this happens. 

Midwives will need to see you to review the color of your water. They may be clear yellow pink blood-stained or sometimes green. And the plan on ongoing care if you think they are blood stained or green, call the hospital and frequently sometimes once the waters break no contractions for you. In this instance if all appears well, we'll give you an appointment approximately 24 hours after they're broke to return to the hospital, start your labor contraction in order to reduce the risk of infection.

We recommend you stay at home as long as possible. Research shows the further along the labor you attend hospital for, more likely you are to have a normal birth. To help a bit you can try a warm bath or shower which can be relaxing and help with backache or parry pain.

A pain killer like paracetamol taken as recommended on the package instruction, listening to music or watching TV for distractions, taking the walk. Apply a tens machine. A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation machine. These can be hired or purchased just remember to remove it before entering a bath shower or pool. 

Practice relaxation techniques. Try a massage. Your birth partner can do this for you. Especially focusing on your back, you may find that it helps to make up. Kissing cuddling and intimate contact encourages your body to produce oxytocin which is a hormone produced in labor and it makes your uterus contract. 

Complementary therapies may be very beneficial at this time such as reflexology and aromatherapy by trained professionals each little and often to maintain energy levels through your labor keep well hydrated.

Remember to rest adequately and monitor your baby's movements and call the labor ward if you feel the pattern of movement has changed. Remember to call the hospital if you have any concerns or when you think you're in labor and the midwife will advise you further.