8 Utterly Weird Scientific Facts About Pregnancy

The average projected length of pregnancy is 280 days. That being said, it is possible to be pregnant for a whole year. The world's longest pregnancy lasted 375 days, strangely, the baby was only a little under seven pounds.

Twin births are almost four times more likely in Nigeria than any other part of the world. No one knows why, but some think it might have to do with a higher consumption of yams.

Amniotic fluid is what makes it ok for the mother to have a sex during pregnancy. It protects the baby by acting as a buffer between the baby and anything that pushes the mother's uterus.

Oral sex led to pregnancy in at least one instance. A girl from Lesotho born without a vagina became pregnant when she was stabbed in the stomach after performing oral sex on her boyfriend.

Babies can get erections in the womb. While this may be hard to believe, in fact it is believed that this is sometimes how doctors are able to tell through ultrasound the sex of your unborn baby. 

A woman develops an enhanced sense of smell because of hormonal changes taking place in the body. Researchers at Standford University showed that pregnancy nausea and vomiting may be triggered by a hypersensitivity to smell.

Pregnant women don't shed hair in fact, their hair gets fuller and thicker. Higher levels of estrogen during your pregnancy prevents your hair from shedding at it’s normal rate. This results in fuller hair and the dreaded hair loss after pregnancy. You notice more hair falling out postpartum because so little was shed during pregnancy.

A woman's foot can grow up to one size during pregnancy. Not all pregnant women experience major changes in their feet, but it can be a major inconvenience for those who experience major swelling and growth. The good news is that it may not be necessary to say goodbye to your existing shoe closet.