Newborn Sleep Schedule: Prepare for Anything

Newborns sleep a lot. About 16 to 20 hours a day. But they don't really follow a schedule. Infants don't know the difference between day and night. So she may be up all night and sleep all day. To help her get her day's and nights straight, expose her to sunlight and ambient noise. At night, keep the lights off and minimize noise.

Newborns don't reach a very deep stage of sleep, so she'll wake easily. And won't sleep for long stretches. For your sanity, try to sleep when she sleeps (Difficult, we know!). 

Newborns are usually awake for no more than an hour. If she stays up longer she'll become overtired—and very cranky! Avoid this at call costs. Watch for sleep cues like fussiness and drowsy eyes.

And don't be surprised if she's ready for another snooze shortly after another nap. At around 6 to 8 weeks, shee'll settle into a more predictable schedule. And you'll get more sleep—sort of!