Funny Pregnancy Moments and Smart Life Hacks

In the first video section, you can see some moments that pregnant women experience. One is craving for weird smells and weird foods – such as the smell of plant roots or laundry detergent. They also crave weird food combinations – such as Nutella on bread and a fish on top with pickles and fresh cream. 

But pregnancy comes with a lot of struggles to – such as not being able to pick up something you dropped, or not being able to see how much you weigh. Though, some of the perks are that you get priority in queues or the airport. 

Another annoying thing is when people always try to touch your belly. And one of the pregnancy struggles is when you have to pick a name for the baby, but you can’t find one you like. 

Watch until the end to see how to repurpose your old clothes into pregnancy ones.