Breastfeeding Guide: How to Sterilise?

Every jar or bottle you are using to store food needs to be sterilised, even if they are new. Anything that has a tight lid preserves the food inside, protecting it from bacteria outside the jar, but if it has not been properly sterilised, you could be trapping harmful bacteria within. 

Bacteria will rapidly reduce the shelf-life of your food and could be dangerous to those eating, so it's very important to sterilise your jars - but thankfully it's not that hard at all. 

One of the most important things to remember is to make sure the jar/bottle and the food you are putting in it are the same temperature to avoid any breakages. Hot food in hot jars and cold food in cold jars. 

About video: Hygiene and sterilising is crucial during your baby's first year. Learn more about how to sterilise your baby's equipment in this video.