Dealing with Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation is an unpleasant but common symptom of pregnancy. The good news is, there are steps you can take to deal with it. Here is Dr. Keith Eddleman, author of Pregnancy for Dummies, with advice on how to cope with constipation during pregnancy.

How to cope with constipation during pregnancy:
- Constipation is very common (and normal) in pregnant women for these reasons: The hormone progesterone is elevated, and it can slow the digestive process down. Then, you add iron supplements and that can make you constipated, too.
- Increase your daily fiber intake. Eat green leafy vegetables.
- Take OTC stool softeners if constipation is chronic.
- Constipation will probably last throughout the pregnancy because the elevated progesterone and the iron supplements are present throughout. Also, as the baby grows it creates pressure which can make you more uncomfortable.
- You don’t have to suffer. If you don’t have a daily bowel movement, or if you are uncomfortable, talk to your doctor because there are things you can do that will help.