How to Dress for Pregnancy and Beyond?

Don't fight your new shape, moms-to-be — learn to dress it with confidence. And don't forget the "fourth trimester," those three to four months after birth when you may still look pregnant. Fashion designer Rosie Pope of "Pregnant in Heels" fame offers tips for dressing a waist you no longer have and selecting nursing bras, and she also explains why pleats are a pregnant woman's friend.
- The fourth trimester: The one when you're still "pregnant".
- Third trimester keypoints: All about the bra and underwear.
- Underwear that holds: Look for a sticky tack waistline.
- Nursing bras: Start shopping for them in third trimester.
- Third trimester = Biggest size: Cup size and body width are at max size.
- Shape, not size: Your breasts change shape, not size.
- An adjustable bra: Look for multiple eyelets for versatility.
- Maternity leggings: Look for ones that cover your belly.
- Avoid shirts with side cinching: It's not flattering post pregnancy.
- Try a stylish poncho: Also serves as a nursing coverup.
- Pleating gives a classy look: Practical & stylish for the fourth trimester.
- Buttons are nursing-friendly: Practical & stylish for the fourth trimester.
- Loose sweaters & cardigans: Great options for the fourth trimester.