How to Introduce New Foods to Toddlers

Do you worry about your toddler being a fussy eater? The secret is to have a plan to avoid making a battle out of trying new foods. Introduce foods with different flavors and textures. 

Most toddlers are naturally picky. It's normal to serve a new food ten or fifteen times before a child even tries it, so keep trying.

Second, keep portions small. Too much on the plate gets overwhelming. Make sure to offer new foods with favorites. 

Finally, make eating fun. Don't fuss about table manners yet. Toddlers who get to touch and play with food may be more likely to try new things.

Eat a variety of foods and show enthusiasm yourself: your toddler imitates your food attitudes the way he imitates you waving bye-bye. Never coax, nag, or insist on a clean plate. Although you might be tempted, it doesn't work-but patience does!