How Much Protein During Pregnancy?

Protein is made up of the amino acids that build your baby’s adorable face and every cell below it. At 37 weeks pregnant, your baby’s brain, in particular, needs these raw materials to transform itself into the wondrous organ that will help your baby breathe, walk, talk, and gleefully flush your car keys down the toilet in the years to come.
During pregnancy, you need three servings of protein every day (the equivalent of about 75 grams). Most people have no trouble reaching this goal (especially if they’ve spent any time on the low-carb bandwagon), although if you’re having a vegetarian or vegan pregnancy you may have to work a little harder to find good sources of protein.
About video: Melissa Lawrence, talks about protein during pregnancy. How much you should eat of it, where you should get it, and why it’s important for you and your baby and gives out two great recipes.