Infant Massage for Colic: Scooping the Sand Massage Technique

In this Colic baby massage tutorial our resident midwife, Lara Basini, shows you the best way to calm and alleviate discomfort for your baby using the Scooping the sand baby massage technique.

Scooping the sand is another massage technique to soothe and calm colicky babies. Using a massage oil (always check this is a baby friendly oil before you begin), scoop your hands down your baby’s tummy (the soft part located underneath their ribs) towards the bowel as demonstrated in the video. 

Repeat this movement six times to reap maximum benefit. It’s perfectly normal to hear your baby pass wind as you do this it means it is working! Doing this gentle massage technique regularly helps keep gas moving out of the body and eases any discomfort in your baby’s tummy.

What is colic in babies?

Colic is long, inconsolable bouts of crying (often for over hours at a time) that happen for no specific reason (such as needing feeding or changing) and occur several times per week. Colic usually begins when the baby is a few weeks old and lasts until they are around 3-4 months old.