Introducing Solids to Babies: When, What and How?

I find that many of my clients are confused about when to introduce solids and what's going to be healthiest for their baby. We do want to start introducing solids between around four to six months. And I know there is a little bit of differentiation of that four to six months, but what I recommend is that you look at your own baby and his or her readiness for. 

When they're taking interest in starting some solids, but remembering that introducing solids from between four to six months onwards is not about actually developing their taste buds it's about developing their ability to hold a spoon and teaching them how to eat, teaching them how to chew, getting them used to new foods. 

Around four to six months we want to be introducing iron-rich foods because babies don't get enough iron through breast milk, so we want to be having things like lean meat. Maybe some minced meat, some iron rich breakfast cereals or a great option as well so particularly the fortified ones green leafy vegetables. 

And also whole grains have actually got some iron in them as well. So some brown bread or brown rice can be great options for our little ones too. And obviously avoiding sugar and salt because our little ones taste buds are very sensitive and, so we really want to keep sugar and salt out of the picture at this stage.