Managing Stress and Anxiety During Pregnancy

There are lots of things that might cause you to be stressed when pregnant. You start to think about your finances a little more, the relationships within the family, have you got room in your house.

So there are lots of outside things that might make you stressed in pregnancy but pregnancy itself shouldn’t make you stressed.There are lots of ways to de-stress. Talking about how you feel in pregnancy and also sharing things with your partner or with your birth supporters can help.

Being prepared for the pregnancy itself - so attending antenatal classes.Exercise, swimming, walking, that kind of thing is really good. That all helps to reduce your stress levels.

If you’re overwhelmed by this stress and you feel you need more help then it’s really important to be able to discuss with your midwife or with your GP to help alleviate the stress and maybe they can think about other strategies you mat not have thought of yourself.

About video: Midwife Sue Rowland offers tips on ways you can reduce stress and anxiety levels during pregnancy.