Mastitis: Recognition and Treatment

Learn about recognition and treatment of mastitis. At some point you may notice a small lump in your breast. These may be red and can be warm and painful to touch. This usually signals a clogged milk duct.

Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness of the breast. If you have mastitis, you might also experience fever and chills. Mastitis most commonly affects women who are breast-feeding, although sometimes this condition can occur in women who aren’t breast-feeding.

In most cases, lactation mastitis occurs within the first three months after giving birth (postpartum), but it can happen later during breast-feeding. The condition can leave you feeling exhausted and run-down, making it difficult to care for your baby.

Mastitis is usually treated with antibiotics. Fortunately, mastitis does not necessarily stop you from breastfeeding.