'Mira Fertility' Wants to Help Couples Get Pregnant

This device wants to bring the fertility lab to your home. 'Mira Fertility' is a high-tech ovulation monitoring system. That reportedly provides more definitive results and predictions. Instead of just 'ovulating' or 'not ovulating'. Like other drugstore ovulation tests. 

'Mira Fertility' claims to use machine learning based AI. To understand and learn the user's hormone changing patterns. Over the course of the month and tracks peaks in luteinizing hormone levels that occur before ovulation. 

There's a wand for urine samples, a palm-sized analyzer device, and an Android app that provides personalized insights. It's not on the market yet, but future plans include allergy and influenza testing. 'Mira Fertility' claims the at-home hormone test provides 99% accuracy and hopes to make family planning a little easier.