Mom Gives Birth to Her Baby in the Car On the Way to the Hospital

"Meet Cassidy, she is our precious daughter. Our third child. She came into this world in a pretty unique way... to say the least... (Fun fact, her middle name was almost sienna... after the van she was born in.) 

My wife (Whitnie) was pregnant with our third child, a baby girl. My wife's past 2 pregnancies, her water broke and within a few hours the babies were brought into the world. In this instance, it was less than an hour and we had no idea what we were in for.

Now here's what you need to know about my wife, and there will be evidence of this in this video, Shes a warrior, and she's stubborn... We had our bags packed for the hospital and were were just waiting for baby to come. Whitnie had an amazing OB/GYN and she HAD to have her doctor for this delivery, so yes there was a closer hospital, but she insisted we keep driving so we could get to the hospital her Dr. works at and he could perform the delivery. I wasn't going to question her.

So on the evening of march 29 2019, mama's water broke while we were just relaxing at home, and these are the events that transpired right after her water broke."