Natural Breastfeeding: Practical Advice for Breastfeeding

Breast milk is a unique nutritional source that cannot adequately be replaced by any other food, including infant formula. Although pollutants can accumulate in breast milk, it remains superior to infant formula from the perspective of the overall health of both mother and child.
Natural Breastfeeding - Chapter 3: A Good Latch - Early Days
- Practical advice and approaches to establishing breastfeeding
- The art and science of a good latch
- What to expect - dealing with early difficulties
Did You Know?
The appropriate latch-on position is for the nipple be placed far in the back of the baby’s mouth, almost to where the hard palate meets the soft palate. If a baby sucks only on the tip of the nipple, or does not have enough breast tissue in the mouth, it can cause the mother to have sore, or cracked nipples.