Pregnancy & Belly Dance

The transformations in a woman's body and mind during this life changing event can be overwhelming, but the sense of being and confidence in one's body and image should never fade.

Benefits of Belly Dance in Pregnancy:

Childbirth professionals encourage the practice of belly dance for pregnancy. And I recommend it for labor too! The music is hypnotic and can take you to an altogether different place, so you can be taken away from the anxious state-of-mind that you may find yourself in.

These are some of the benefits:

- Strengthening pelvic and deep abdominal muscles and all those muscles specifically used for giving birth, thus facilitating the process of birth and of recovery.

- Great for relaxation and relieving stress. 

- Encourages the baby into a forward (anterior) lying position; optimal position for labor and birth.

- Can move a posterior baby off your back.

- Improve self-confidence and positive body-image.

- Aid and encourage good posture.

- Help maintain general fitness. 

- Promote good balance and co-ordination.

- Relieves pregnancy back pain. 

- Improves abdominal control and awareness.

- Helps maintain pelvic floor tone and therefore reduces chances of uterine prolapse in later life.

- Help you meet other expectant Moms if you attend a class.