Signs of Labor and Delivery

The experience of giving birth can differ from one woman to another, and even for the same woman from one pregnancy to the next. Although there's no way to know how a woman's labor will progress or how long it will last, it's not unusual to be fearful of the process and worried about the pain associated with it. 

Exactly what triggers labor is unclear, however there are several old wives' tales and cultural beliefs about what might get the process started. Some of these labor-induction methods may actually work, while others are ineffective. 

There is no exact formula to knowing when labor is going to start.  But there are 6 things that need to happen before the baby is born.  These are:  

- Cervix softens (ripening)

- Cervix thins and shortens (effacement) 

- Cervix dilates (0 cm to 10 cm)

- Cervix moves from back to front

- Baby's rotation, head flexes and molds

- The baby descends from - 5 to +5  through the pelvis 

About video: As you approach your due date, you may experience many emotions as you anticipate your baby coming. Learn about the signs of labor and what you can expect during your hospital stay.