Soft Touch Technique for External Cephalic Version (ECV)

Larry Hinkson, a British trained Obstetric and Gynaecology Consultant working at the world famous Charité University Hospital in Berlin Mitte, performs a soft touch and painless External Cephalic Version using a special massage technique on a patient whose baby was in breech presentation.

The External Cephalic Version procedure is preformed in accordance with hospital guidelines, which involves a pre-procedure assessment, ultrasound examination and explanation of the benefits and risks. Full consent is always obtained. 

Monitoring of the fetus is performed before, during and afterwards to ensure optimal fetal well-being. All external cephalic versions are performed with the anaesthetic team and operation team on standby in the unlikely event that they are needed. After a successful external cephalic version, patients stay overnight for observation and are discharged with a normal vaginal delivery expected.