Solids: When and What to Introduce

So in terms of introducing solids and questions often asked by our new parents, what should be doing and when should we should be doing. It it's very important that the first foods introduced around four to six months of age are iron dense or iron enriched, because by about four to six months of age the baby's hemoglobin that he or she was born with is starting to run out. 

And it's important that their hemoglobin is enhanced by iron in the diet, because we don't want infants or young children to be having iron deficiency anemia. Because that can affect IQ permanently and then after that new foods can be introduced every one to two days. You don't have to wait five to ten days as we were told previously. There was only a few years ago that people were being told to wait to introduce certain foods until the infant was one. 

A child was two or even three years of age such as seafood for example now the recommendations are very clear that all infants should receive potential allergenic foods in their first year of life, but never before four months of age. So this is a relatively new message so it's important that infants are being given egg for example dairy peanut protein obviously not peanuts themselves but peanut proteins at peanut butter fish seafood in that first year of life. 

And we know that that can prevent to a certain degree food allergy developing then or later on. So this is of key message that GPS can give to to women during the breastfeeding period and when they are about to start introducing solids.