Surprising Ways You Can Get Pregnant

Today we're playing a little game of true or false in. Can this get you pregnant? What do you guys know about getting pregnant?

Question 1: True or false? You can get pregnant from anal sex.

• During intercourse, the semen doesn't always end up just in the rear. If it ends up in the vagina, pregnancy can occur. (Information provided by Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, MD)

Question 2: True or false? You can get pregnant when you're already pregnant.

• This strange and extremely rare phenomenon is called superfetation. It occurs when you're already pregnant and still ovulating. The second fertilized egg implants in the lining of the womb, resulting in a second pregnancy.

Question 3: True or false? You can get pregnant using oil-based lubes with latex condoms.

• True, oil-based lubes and latex condoms don't mix. While many lubricants are completely safe to use with condoms, oil-based lubricants like petroleum jelly are not. These types of lubes can degrade the latex and cause condoms to break increasing your chance of getting knocked up.

Question 4: True or false? You can get pregnant after having unprotected sex with a man who has had a vasectomy.

• Like and other form of birth control, vasectomies aren't 100% effective. It can take three months for sperm to completely clear a man's reproductive tract after the procedure. In addition, it is possible for the snipped area to grow back together.

Question 5: True or false? You can get pregnant while your on your period?

• Semen can live inside you for up to five days! That means if you have sex toward the end of your bleeding, and you naturally have a short cycle, and ovulate soon after your period ends, you could eventually conceive.

Question 6: True or false? You can get pregnant by dry-humping with underwear on.

• Although rare, it is possible for the man's semen. If the man's semen leaks through clothing and reaches the vagina. You would think underwear would be a natural barrier!

Question 7: True or false? You can get pregnant after having your tubes tied.

• Tubal ligation is not 100% effective. There's still about a 1% chance of getting pregnant. That being said, it is still generally a great way to prevent pregnancy.