Surrogate Mom Dances to 'Baby Momma' While in Labor

A surrogate mom in labor energetically danced to the song ‘Baby Momma’ while four centimetres dilated. Dressed in just her surgical gown and a pair of socks Alexandra Theriault, from Florida, completed the routine in an attempt to hurry her labour along.

While holding on to her surgical drip at the Sacred Heart Family Birth Place in Sandestin, Florida, USA, the 25-year-old gets down to the Starrkeisha hit along with best friend Kassandra Hanks, 26.

Alexandra even manages to get down on to her knees to dance before being helped up, and the physical activity must have helped as she finally gave birth to a healthy boy on Saturday December 3. Kassandra, from Mary Esther, Florida, said: “It was an extremely fun and hilarious thing to be a part of."