A Visual Guide: How to Clean and Sterilise Baby Bottles?

Breastfeeding is the best start for you and your baby. It's recommended to exclusively breastfeed until 6 months. Look for signs that baby needs a feed. Like becoming more active and putting hands in mouth.


Whatever method you choose, sterilising your baby's bottles and teats is an essential part of your bottlefeeding routine. As your baby's immune system is still developing, it's vital that all feeding equipment is kept clean and sterile to help reduce the chance of infection.  Watch this short video from Aptaclub for a step-by-step guide on how to clean and sterilise baby bottles correctly.


Sterilising baby bottles:

- Sterilising helps protect your baby's immune system.

- Sterilise equipment until 12 months of age

- Discard unused milk

- Use soapy water and bottle brush to remove milk residue

- Clean teat

- Rinse well

- Prepare steriliser according to manufactures' instructions

- Load bottles upside down

- And teats upright

- Also include items used to handle clean feeding equipment

- And leave for the required amount of time

- Equipment remains sterile for a period of time within the unopened unit

- If sale sterile time has passed, repeat process

- Leave to cool

- Be careful, the escaping steam could scald