What Are the Signs of Preterm Labor?

Preterm labor is when you go into labor before the 37th week of pregnancy. This is scary because baby may come out when he’s not fully ready and developed.

If preterm labor can’t be stopped, your baby will be born early. The earlier premature birth happens, the greater the health risks for your baby. Many premature babies (preemies) need special care in the neonatal intensive care unit. 

Preemies can also have long-term mental and physical disabilities. In addition, giving birth prematurely increases your risk of preterm labor in future pregnancies.

Some of the signs to look out for if you think you're in preterm labor include vaginal discharge, leaking of amniotic fluid, vaginal bleeding or spotting, and pressure in the pelvis (or feeling like the baby is suddenly pushing down), as well as tightening, contractions or abdominal pain that’s occurring regularly. 

Other symptoms include a low, dull backache and diarrhea. So if something doesn’t feel right (regardless of whether you can pinpoint it), you may want to contact your doctor just to be on the safe side. 

About video: Dr. Siobhan Dolan talks with a pregnant woman about signs of preterm labor, labor that happens before 37 weeks of pregnancy, and what women should do if they have symptoms.