What is the Best Way to Deal with Toddler Tantrums?

Tantrums are completely normal and part of every child's development, and usually start around 18 months of age. As children are able to communicate and give words to the way that they're feeling, and they understand more, then the tantrums stop. 


So from 18 months, you might find that they get quite difficult, but gradually over time, as they get nearer to three, three and a half, four, things might get easier with them being able to tell you the things that they're frustrated about.   


It's helpful to think about what's happened directly before the tantrum. They might be getting frustrated, they might be getting sad, they might be getting angry, because they can't do something. 


Adults get angry and frustrated. They get tired. We get grumpy if we're hungry. So it may be that your child is experiencing exactly those things.   


Our children learn how to behave from us, so if we can stay calm and we can show them how we want them to behave - that's difficult in the face of a child getting really upset, but if we can stay calm and use our ability to distract them, then that may well help to stop the tantrum before it really gets going.   


Try not to worry about what other people are doing, if your child is having a tantrum in public. You'd like to think that most people have had experience of children and will have gone through that at some point. So if at all possible, if you can stay calm, then your child will follow your lead.


About video: Watch this film to find out the best way of dealing with tantrums. Health visitor Gemma Crisp explains how you should try to deal with tantrums, and that it's best to try to understand why they may be angry or upset.