What Should I Bring with Me to the Hospital When Going Into Labor?

Usually three weeks before your due date or sooner, you should prepare a bag with everything you think you will need at the hospital so that your are ready to go as soon as your baby is ready to arrive. 

A few suggestions to get you started is first of all your health card to get registered in your arrival to the hospital. Be sure to pack a charger for your smartphone. You'll want to call your friends and family to inform them up your newest addition. 

You may also want to take pictures and even a video so make sure you devices are fully charged. Most smartphones are equipped with a timing device so you can monitor your contractions and get a heads-up when the next may be coming. if not bring a stop watch for your birthing partner. 

You will also need a change of clothes and the toothbrush. Download a movie on your smartphone or a good book to help distract you and your partner from the pains and waning of labor. 

For yourself you need packed gum or mints to help conquer a dry mouth. Hair clips and breads and maybe even your favorite pillows to make your birth day process a little more comforting. 

Soon after delivery you'll want to shower a pair of flip-flops is recommended as well as your toiletries for personal hygiene and hair care including shampoo body wash and moisturizer. Also pack a hair dryer, toothbrush and toothpaste, warm socks in your own nightie. 

The hospital does provide mesh underwear that personally is not very comfortable or pretty so adjust your own underwear. Nursing tank tops and bras, lanolin cream for sore nipples for breastfeeding and some breast pads to absorb leaks. When it is time to go home a Luke's video mobile best suit your still round-belly to make your travel home a little more comfortable. 

Hospital usually prepare you with a hat and blankets for your newborn based cloths and towels as well as diapers and vaseline. But if you choose you may bring your own supplies  to dress your newborn. Bring a homecoming outfit and of course he or she will also need a car seat and some extra blankets if the temperature is cool outside.

Answering: Amy Newman, Registered Nurse Practitioner

What Should I Bring with Me to the Hospital When Going Into Labor?

At What Point in My Pregnancy, Should I Go to the Hospital?

Did you know?

The heart actually grows during pregnancy, to accommodate the pumping of more blood to mama and baby. So you can say that your heart grew when you found out that you were pregnant, and be completely literal.