Your Pregnancy: Fetal Development Weeks 15 to 19

The baby's body is growing and becoming more proportionate to the size of his head. During these weeks the baby will adopt a more bright position. His eyes are centered and his ears will take their position. The neck is becoming longer and his vocal cords are forming, now he can open and close his mouth. 
His head is covered with lanugo, a very thin smooth and colorless hair which then spreads throughout his body. He begins to perceive light but cannot distinguish where it comes from. His sense of sight will start developing in the next few weeks and even though. His eyes are closed he'll start moving them. He will soon start listening, so it's a good idea to start talking to him and playing some music. 
The genitalia of the baby begins to differentiate and the gender may be seen by ultrasound. The baby will start making chest movements in preparation for when his lungs are formed. The bones of his body will start thickening and he will have imperceptible muscular movements. His nails begin to form and he will start accumulating some fat under his skin. 
His ability to respond to stimuli is increased. The bad muscles become stronger, soon he'll be able to straighten his back and his head a little. He can flex his arms and legs and even move his fingers. He will soon have the ability to grab his hands feet and the umbilical cord. In these weeks the baby grows from the size of a pair to the size of a grapefruit.