Your Pregnancy: Fetal Development Weeks 20 to 24

The baby can now hear but sounds are very distorted, his hearing will improve in the following weeks. His head represents now about 30% of the total length of his body. He may have eyebrows and eyelashes and might even have a little hair on his head but this color is still not his definite shade of hair.
His eyelids start to differentiate but they're not fully formed, so he cannot open and close his eyes yet. Even though his eyes are already formed the iris does not have any particular color. 
He may yawn and even get the hiccups and, mommy may start filling him kick. With the use of a stethoscope we may hear his heart beating and, his gender can be distinguished by ultrasound. The fat accumulated under his skins becomes apparent and his body is covered with fine soft colourless hair. 
The baby has a better posture and he's much more active. He can move freely and change his position inside the uterus. In these weeks the baby grows from the size of a mango to the size of an eggplant.