Your Pregnancy: Fetal Development Weeks 30 to 34

He may have eyebrows and eyelashes and, might even have a little hair on his head but the color is still not his definite shade of hair. He may distinguish between dark and light. He may even cover his eyes when an intense light enters the uterus. 

His sense of taste is more refined and, he can definitely taste the amniotic fluid, which changes depending on the foods you eat. He can hear your voice, so mommy and daddy we recommend that you talk to him and play music. 

Now the baby can turn his head from one side to the other. He may yawn and have a bout of the hiccups. The baby is now capable of dreaming. His lungs are still maturing and he may have respiratory movements. As the baby gains weight his skin continues to accumulate fat and makes his skin look more supple and smooth. 

Now the baby can be inside the uterus. As he grows he takes more space and it becomes more difficult to move and stretch inside the uterus. In these weeks the baby grows from having the size of a cantaloupe to the size of a pumpkin