Your Pregnancy: Fetal Development Weeks 35 to 40

The size of his head is now more proportional to the baby's body. Representing about 25% of the total length. It's possible that your baby's head is now completely covered with hair. At this point he may have eyebrows and eyelashes. He now may be swallowing amniotic fluid. 

This is processed and becomes meconium, a greenish black substance that will become his first stool after birth. He can now distinguish between light and dark. His sense of taste is very refined and he is capable of distinguishing the different flavors in the amniotic fluid, which changes depending on the foods you eat.

He can now hear your voice, we recommend talking and playing music. Your baby is now having dreams he would also yawn and get the hiccups once in a while. Your baby's skin continues to accumulate fat and gain weight, which makes his skin look more supple and smooth. His nails have now grown to the end of his little fingers. 

Your baby is growing day by day and, his bones have been getting stronger in the last few weeks. Because of this he has less room to move and any small movement is felt by mom. He may even begin to apply pressure on moms pelvic area.  In these weeks the baby grows from the size of a pumpkin to the size of a watermelon.