17 Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent

How a Newborn Baby Hears?
Some people think that a newborn baby has very poor hearing or even can't hear at all because of fluid in the inner ear. But this isn't true. A child begins to hear when it's still in the womb - during the 16th or 17th week of pregnancy.
Straight from birth, a child has a weel-developed sense of hearing and can react to:
• Intonation
• The tempo of speech
• The timbre of  someone's voice
• Rattling sounds
• Varius other sounds
This awareness of sound is expressed by:
• A child moving its arms and legs
• Searching for a voice with his or her eyes.
• Turning his or her head
• Stopping all movement
• Flinching
• Crying
• Listening
A child hears equally well when he or she is both awake and asleep. 
Scientists have discovered that children inherit their intellect from their mothers. The genes that influence our intelligence are inherited from our mothers. A person gets 40-60% of their intellectual ability from their parents. Intelligence genes have been discovered only in the female X cromosome. Mothers also play an important role in their children's intellectual development through physical and emotional contact.
Let Children Feel Bored!
Research shows that boredom creates internal peace, that helps children develop their self-awareness. This is why experts don't recommend giving a smartphone or tablet with games to a child who feels bored. 
It's better to think up some creative tasks for them, which develop their imagination. The creative process can help a child disover an interest that becomes their life's work. Moreover, children develop important life skills when confronted with boredom.