Birth Preparation: 15 Steps to an Easy Vaginal Delivery

Most of us know the benefits of a normal delivery. Apart from avoiding a major surgery, normal delivery has a faster recovery period and it also helps in providing beneficial bacteria to your baby as it passes through the birthing canal. 

Preparing for your labour and delivery is very similar to preparing for a marathon. You need to prepare yourself physically and mentally so that you have a positive childbirth experience and faster recovery. These 15 simple tips will help you get there.

Five Steps To Do During Pregnancy Preparation

Step 1: Avoid Slouching and Reclining Positions
Step 2: Increase Strength and Stamina During Pregnancy
Step 3: Release Your Pelvic Floor
Step 4: Practice Being in the Now
Step 5: Listen to Positive Birth Stories

Ten Steps Things To Do During Labor

Step 1: Set Up A Calm, Quiet and Safe Environment
Step 2: Use Intuitive Movement and Relaxation
Step 3: Talk About Positive Things Your Birth Partner Can Say
Step 4: Use Movement and Positions That Help Your Baby Down and Out
Step 5: Stop Birthing on Your Back
Step 6: Tools That Reduce Pain
Step 7: Visualize What is Happening in Your Body
Step 8: Relax Between Contractions
Step 9: Don't Push Just Because You Are 10 Cm
Step 10: Breath Your Baby Out