Breathing Techniques for Labour

Breathing often reflects our state of relaxation or excitation. When at rest, breathing is usually slow and rhythmic, (such as when asleep). When tense, breathing may be erratic, or we may hold our breath. Controlling breathing may help you become aware of your state so you can stay relaxed. Breathing techniques are helpful to many women in labor. 

The theory behind childbirth breathing patterns is based on the concentration required to focus on your breathing. During a contraction, your thought process is redirected from a pain response such as tension and breath holding to a learned relaxed breathing response. The successful development of a relaxed response to painful stimuli is most effective through a lot of practice.

Allow your body to relax as completely as possible and work with the contractions while using the breathing and relaxation techniques. There is no right or wrong way to breathe. The breathing techniques are only guidelines and should be adapted to your individual preference and comfort.