Fertility Treatments

No single fertility treatment is best for everyone. The right treatment for you will depend on your circumstances, including the cause of your fertility problems, the age of the female partner and your medical history. Broadly speaking, fertility treatments fall into three categories.

Fertility medicines: These are usually prescribed to women. Most of the common fertility medicines, such as clomifene, are intended to help with ovulation problems. You can find out more about the medicines used to treat infertility. To learn more about ovulation and how it's linked to pregnancy, you can find out more about fertility facts.

Surgical procedures: These include fallopian tube surgery, which can be helpful if the fallopian tubes, which lead from the ovaries to the uterus (womb), become blocked or scarred, preventing pregnancy.

Assisted conception: This can include intrauterine insemination (IUI), in which sperm is placed into the womb using a fine plastic tube. This can be helpful in cases of mild sperm problems. Assisted conception also includes IVF (in vitro fertilisation), in which sperm and eggs are mixed outside the body and put back into the womb. This can be helpful for a range of fertility problems, including more severe sperm problems and cases of unexplained infertility.