How Best to Interact with Your Baby?

Interacting with your baby in the early days and in the early months is really important for their brain development and for bonding. Research shows that babies that are played with, read to, have nursery rhymes sung to, during these early months, stands them in really good stead for later life. 

Talking to your baby is vital. Your baby will be learning so many words without you even being aware of it. In fact by the time your baby says their first real word, they'll already understand hundreds and hundreds of words that they've learnt from you, through you talking to them. Your baby will babble at you - try not to babble back at them, but use real words when you're communicating with your baby. 

There are lots of toys you can use to play with your baby. They don't need to necessarily even be toys that are actually marketed as toys, you can use household objects, like wooden spoons provided that they're safe. The key concern here is obviously baby doesn't choke. Any toy they have mustn't be able to go fully in to their mouth 'cause there's a risk of choking. 

All toys should have the European Union kite mark, and it's really important that you keep that toy clean. Babies mouth every single thing that they're given. The best way to clean a toy is to wash it in soapy water, and some parents actually find putting a toy in the dishwasher helps to keep them clean. 

Try to limit the amount of T.V or screens your baby has access with. T.V can't interact with your baby. When you interact with your baby, your baby smiles and laughs and you laugh and smile and it's a two-way relationship. Tummy time is really important for their neck and their head development. 

There may be times when your baby will not want to play, when your baby may start to arch their back, look away, start to cry during play. This is your baby's way of communicating they need a break. Use this time just to have a cuddle with your baby and just use it for quiet bonding time.