How Can I Make My Baby Feel Secure with Me, After Coming Home From the Hospital?

When you have a little baby, when we take it home, this is the sort of transformation. You have your little baby in baby box and this little baby takes over in so many ways both psychologically and physically, you're sort of running after this gorgeous newborn. So some of the ways that are quite helpful is to sort of surrender to the pink bubble. 

That means make yourself completely in the moment on the first days of birth and enjoy your little baby because your little baby, it comes out in the most amazing way where it's all wrinkled and and still in a little wound like ball. And slowly the little baby wakes up with it alive peeping to the sides and uncurls its little self as it realizes the wall wound and the walls of the womb are no longer there. 

And it is quite remarkable and every hour of the day the little baby changes and you need to just constantly just fall in love with your babies smell your baby, kiss your baby, love your baby and obviously little baby needs lots of milk, breast milk, and you know physically obviously be changing little baby and having little baby and making the baby secure in the world that it's been secure in your womb but now you want it for the best way be brought up.

Answered: Jenny Smith (Lead Midwife, Quern Charlottes and Chelsea)

How Can I Make My Baby Feel Secure with Me, After Coming Home From the Hospital?

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Did you know?

Babies will smile long before four weeks old (they even smile in utero!) but these smiles are “reflex smiles” and they are not an intentional. How can you tell the difference between a reflex smile and a social one? A reflex smile is typically shorter in duration and will often happen seemingly at random, frequently when the baby is tired. A social smile will often be in direct result of a pleasurable sight or experience, like breastfeeding or seeing mom walk into the room.