What is Happening at 11 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 11th week of pregnancy? Your little one is roughly the size of a thumb this week, but he can swallow and kick, and his fingernails have started to grow. If you have an appointment with your doctor or midwife this week, she'll be able to pick up the speedy swoosh of a heartbeat with the help of a special stethoscope called a Doppler.

Your baby in the 11th week of pregnancy:

- The baby's jaw line is formed, the taste buds have developed and matured and your baby now also begins to develop sense of smell.

- Mommies and daddies your baby is now comparable to a plum and surely more human in appearance.

- The most highlighted fetal development at 11 weeks is the extensive facial exploration of the baby.

- During this period your baby experience their first taste and smell.

- The ears are now shaped, hair follicles are developing from head to toe.

- Nipples on chest are developing, and your baby can now feel his/her palm.

- The tiny tooth buds are appearing under the baby's gums.

- Your baby's skin is beginning to thicken and his/her heart is beating 120 to 160 per minute.

- At 11 weeks, babies can here sounds and familiar noises.

- The baby is practicing, stretches, somersaults and spins.

- But mothers do not feel yet their baby's acrobatics.

Your body in the 11th week of pregnancy:

By week 11 you probably have an appointment lined up for your dating scan – the most exciting part of the first trimester – seeing your baby on the screen for the first time and getting your due date. 

You might also have had your first batch of antenatal tests by now, too and gone through your medical history and some form filling with your midwife. Check out our pregnancy testing and screening page for more info on what your blood and wee will be screened for.

Your body's expanding, inside and out. The next ten weeks will be a period of rapid growth for you and the baby. You'll need more water as you produce more blood, sweat, oil, and amniotic fluid. You may feel desperately thirsty at times. It's a good idea to carry a beverage with you wherever you go, to keep your fluid levels up. Drink plenty of water and milk, but steer away from carbonated beverages.