How Baby's Size Changes by Week?

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! It takes 40 weeks for your baby to grow from the size of a tiny seed to a plump watermelon. Check out your baby's size each week at a glance.

Week 2: Your baby begins as a tiny seed. 

Week 5: Your baby looks a bit like a tadpole. 

Week 8: Your baby is starting to kick! 

Week 13: Your baby's developing vocal cords. 

Week 17: You might feel your baby hiccuping. 

Week 22: Your baby can taste the foods you eat. 

Week 27: Your baby knows your voice. 

Week 30: All five senses are now fully developed. 

Week 34: Your baby can turn her head. 

Week 38: Your baby's brain is learning to swallow. 

Week 41: Your baby's run out of room in your uterus.