Pelvic Floor Exercises for All Moms (Pregnant or Not)

An easy way to describe a woman’s pelvic floor muscles is as a supportive, muscular sling. These muscles support the uterus, bowel, and bladder as well as enveloping the urethra, rectum and vagina. Essentially, most of the organs which lie below your waistline are supported by your pelvic floor.
Michelle Heaton shows us how to do pelvic floor exercises at home. See how pregnant Channel Mum vloggers Jess and Amber get on with these simple exercises which are completely safe to do in pregnancy and good for all mums to do. 
Benefits of doing pelvic floor exercises:
- A pelvic floor exercise programme will maintain your pelvic floor tone.
- Post-partum discomfort from perineal swelling and haemorrhoids is lessened.
- The exercises help you feel connected with what is going on within your body.
- Urinary incontinence/leakage during pregnancy and after delivery is lessened.
- A toned pelvic floor leads to more complete emptying of the bladder and bowel.
- The likelihood of perineal tearing or needing an episiotomy is reduced.
- Improved sex life can result, as muscle tone of the vagina is maintained.
- Pregnancy, delivery and recovery time can be improved.
- The risk of uterine or bladder prolapse is reduced.
- Helps to avoid stress incontinence after delivery – small amounts of urine leakage when laughing, sneezing, coughing or lifting something heavy.
At any point if you start to feel faint, dizzy or have any physical discomfort you should stop immediately. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercises.