How to Practice Yoga While Pregnant

You want to make sure that you take it easy a little bit. In your body during pregnancy, there's a hormone secreted, and it's called relaxin. Just kinda, it's like, oh, it's gonna relax us, sort of.
You can overstretch a muscle, or a ligament, connective tissue, and it'll injure you, so rule of thumb, just go as deeply into the posture as you normally would before you became pregnant.
Deep back bends, last thing, deep back bends are not good during pregnancy, so you may do some upward facing dogs as long as you don't feel any pulling, any pressure, especially near the pelvis, up through the navel. 
You could take camel pose, ustrasana, on the knees, but instead of reaching back and touching the feet, put a block on either side of your feet, and just reach back for the blocks or you can just keep your hands at your lower back, and as you reach back, you just reach back little bit, and that way you'll get a back bend, but it won't be too deep. 
Here are some things to keep in mind while practicing during your pregnancy:
- While folding forward, be sure your feet and legs are hips width apart.
- If you begin to feel overheated, breathe through your mouth instead of your nose.
- Avoid twists that compress the belly. Many times you can twist in the opposite direction to create space.
- Inversions are okay IF you've had a regular inversion practice prior to your pregnancy. Check with your doctor first and always use a wall for support.
- Do not jump forward or back during sun salutations.
- Relaxin is a hormone secreted in your body during pregnancy making your more flexible. Be mindful not to over-stretch and keep your muscles engaged.
- In Savasana (corpse pose), lie on your left side for better circulation for the baby. You'll be uncomfortable laying on your back.
- Deep backbends are not recommended.