How Does Tubal Sterilization Prevent Pregnancy?

Are you interested in birth control that's meant to be permanent? We're talking no more making babies. Ever. Well, then tubal sterilization or "getting your tubes tied" might be a method you'd be interested in.

Tubal sterilization is a form of birth control for women that involves closing off the fallopian tubes. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, sperm can't reach an egg and cause a pregnancy. 

You should know that sterilization does not affect your hormones--you shouldn't notice any difference in your period, breast size, voice, hair, muscle tone, or sex drive. 

And while all medical procedures have some risk, sterilization is very safe and most women experience few side effects. The best thing about sterilization is that it's incredibly effective, almost 100%. 

But it won't protect you or your partner from sexually transmitted infections, so use condoms if you're concerned about preventing STDs. 

Just be sure that you understand that sterilization is meant to be permanent. That means forever. It's not a good option if there's even a possibility that you might want to have biological children in the future.